The leading
employee experience

San Francisco
October 17-19, 2023

Convince Your Manager Template

Hey [Supervisor/Manager's Name],

Hope you're doing awesome! I wanted to chat with you about an opportunity that can seriously level up my employee comms and experience skills and make a big difference in my role here at [Company Name]. I'm talking about COHESION 2023, Simpplr’s annual conference, happening from October 17-19 in San Francisco, CA.

I genuinely believe that attending this conference will be a game-changer for my personal growth and our company's success.

So, there are tons of conferences out there, right? What sets this conference apart from the rest? Well, first of all, it's not one of those massive events where you get lost in a sea of people. Nope, it's a smaller and more focused gathering with around 500 attendees. And guess what? The organizers have a kicka$$ reputation for curating practical sessions and hands-on workshops that you can actually use in your work.

First off, the conference is all about learning strategies and tactics to boost intranet adoption and employee engagement. Imagine how awesome it would be if we could get everyone on board and super engaged in what we're doing! This event will give me the knowledge and tools to make that happen.

But it's not just about learning. The conference is also an amazing chance to connect with other leaders and practitioners in our industry. It's all about building a community of support and collaboration. I can't wait to network with like-minded people, exchange ideas, and maybe even find some cool partners for future projects.

Now, let's talk about the exciting stuff. COHESION 2023 is about discovering new industry best practices, cool features, and mind-blowing solutions that can take our intranet to the next level. I'm talking about innovative ways to communicate, engage employees, and create an amazing experience. We'll be ahead of the game!

Oh, and did I mention the one-on-one sessions with Simpplr experts? How awesome would it be to have their undivided attention, helping us tackle our most pressing challenges? It's like having a secret weapon in our corner.

Lastly, this conference is all about the future of employee experience. We'll get to hear from top thought leaders and experts who know what's up. It's like getting a sneak peek into what's coming next and how we can stay ahead of the curve.

So, what do you think? Can we allocate some budget to cover the conference registration, travel, and accommodation? I promise it'll be worth every penny, and I'm ready to level up and bring back some serious knowledge and ideas to make our team even more awesome.

Thanks for considering my request. I'm here to chat if you need more info or want to discuss this further.

Take your front-row seat for COHESION 2023

Have more questions?

We're standing by to assist with any questions, concerns, or ideas you may have for the conference. Feel free to email us at [email protected], and we'll get back to you as soon as possible